Record the administration results of medication, vital, and treatment orders. (Offline capability available)
Medication, vital and treatment administrations are handled through MedPass. It provides the ability for users to document medication administrations/refusals/holds/patient absences/no shows as well as request refills for medications that are eligible, and record notes on the patient MAR.
All results recorded log the date/time, initials, name of the person who marked it, quantity given, and number of days/injection site and quantity used, and vital result (if applicable). Standard administration info(date, initials, username, and quantity/injection site/vital result if applicable) appears on the patient MAR.
MedPass includes status bars for every day of the week which allow users to click and generate a report of results.
Medpass Features:
- Offline capability
- Barcode scanning ability (reduces med errors by ensuring that the right patient is receiving the right medication at the right time)
- Displays medication picture and description